Agreement and Counter Offer


In a business transaction, reaching an agreement is a common process. An agreement is a legally binding contract between two parties which outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction. However, there are times when one party may not agree to the terms proposed by the other. In such cases, the party can make a counter offer. In this article, we will discuss in detail the concept of agreement and counter offer.

What is an Agreement?

An agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a business transaction. It is a legally binding document that both parties agree to follow. When one party proposes terms, the other party has the option to either accept or reject them. If both parties agree to the terms, the agreement is signed, and the transaction takes place.

What is a Counter Offer?

A counter offer is a response to an offer made by one party in a business transaction. When the terms of the offer are not acceptable, the other party can propose different terms. It is important to note that a counter offer terminates the original offer. The original party then has the option to accept or reject the counter offer.

Difference Between Agreement and Counter Offer:

An agreement and a counter offer are two different concepts. An agreement is reached when both parties agree to the terms proposed by one party. On the other hand, a counter offer is proposed when the terms of the original offer are not acceptable. The party making the counter offer proposes new terms, and the original offer is terminated. It is then up to the original party to accept or reject the counter offer.

Legal Implications of Agreement and Counter Offer:

An agreement is a legally binding contract, and both parties must adhere to the terms outlined in the document. If one party breaches the terms of the agreement, legal action can be taken. In the case of a counter offer, the new terms proposed become part of the legally binding contract.


In conclusion, an agreement is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a business transaction. When one party proposes terms, the other party has the option to either accept or reject them. However, if the terms are not acceptable, the other party can propose a counter offer. A counter offer terminates the original offer and the original party has the option to accept or reject the new terms proposed. It is important to understand the legal implications of both agreements and counter offers, as they are legally binding contracts.

Collective Agreement Island Health

Collective Agreement and Island Health: What You Need to Know

A collective agreement is a written contract between an employer and a union that spells out the terms and conditions of employment for unionized workers. This agreement is legally binding and provides stability and security for both parties. In this article, we will discuss collective agreements and how they apply to Island Health.

Island Health, formerly known as Vancouver Island Health Authority, is a major provider of healthcare services in British Columbia, Canada. It employs over 21,000 people and serves a population of more than 750,000. A significant portion of its workforce is unionized, which means that they are covered by a collective agreement.

Collective agreements are important in workplaces such as Island Health because they serve to protect the rights and interests of employees. These agreements cover a wide range of issues, including wages, benefits, job security, and working conditions. They also provide a framework for resolving disputes between employers and employees.

For employees at Island Health, being covered by a collective agreement means that they have certain rights and protections. These include:

1. Job Security: Employees covered by a collective agreement have protection from arbitrary dismissal or discipline. This means that they cannot be fired or punished without just cause.

2. Wages and Benefits: Collective agreements typically provide for regular salary increases and benefits such as health and dental insurance, pension plans, and paid time off.

3. Working Conditions: The collective agreement will outline the terms of the work schedule, breaks, and overtime pay. It will also cover issues such as workplace safety and harassment.

4. Grievance Procedure: Collective agreements have a dispute resolution mechanism called a grievance procedure. This process allows employees to raise concerns about a violation of their rights or a breach of the agreement.

In conclusion, collective agreements are an essential component of workplace relations at Island Health. They provide a framework for resolving potential conflicts between employers and employees and they ensure that workers rights and interests are protected. So, if you are an employee at Island Health covered by a collective agreement, be sure to familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions. Conversely, if you are an employer at Island Health, be sure to work with your union and adhere to the requirements of the collective agreement.